: This week the handyman we hired in May finally finished replacing our porch floor. Today Dave and I …

: If you are looking for a mysterious little web comic, please enjoy The Nameless Mage by Noah Mease

: Drew this last night/today. I guess I’ve learned how to work around my zombie fingers :)

: Hypothetical response to a real and unfortunate email: Fifty pounds of nope to this, friend-o!

: Advice of the day: don’t bring fangs to a money fight.

: I wish Hinė Mizushima would make a calendar of her work.

: And Soul Coughing doing Super Bon Bon on Jimmy Kimmel Live? Oh, my cup runneth over.

: Dirty Dancing to the Muppet Show theme is everything I didn’t know I needed this afternoon.

: I usually avoid articles in the New York Times, but this one, on a documentary about Prince that we …

: The World Under the World: half an hour of people talking about what it’s like to live with …

: Italian Butter Cookies, part 3 I stumbled across this recipe on Smitten Kitchen, and I tried it. It’s pretty good. Having now …

: Also, the Clockwork Orange electrical outlet is still there 😀

: In WRJ getting some work done on my car. Walked through downtown and visited the building where my …

: End of summer. They’re going to mow down the meadow tomorrow. Photo made with a digital Holga …

: From the obituaries in yesterday’s paper: “Mary loved to spend time at home reading, watching birds …

: Poster in the exam room at the vet clinic

: “Little by little, You will turn into stars. Even then, my dear, You will only be A crawling …

: Italian Butter Cookies, part 2 Tried this recipe. I liked the flavor of these cookies better than the last batch. They use a …

: Italian Butter Cookies, part 1 Tried this recipe after watching people bake Italian Butter Cookies on some cooking show and having …

: pillow crisis Every so often I remember someone in a movie saying “On a eu une crise …

: Late July. Trees dropping leaves after last week’s oppressive heat. Chili enjoying the morning air …

: If the last few years of our marriage had a subtitle, it might be: More Texts About Pizza and Cats

: “Failure is not just an option. It is required.” - Adam Savage

: In honor of Laurie Anderson’s birthday, here’s a link to her Norton Lecture Series: …

: 💬 “It’s hard not to be afraid. Be less afraid.” Susan Sontag

: A Short Walk Through a Wide World Finished reading: A Short Walk Through a Wide World by Douglas Westerbeke 📚 Amazon recommended it to …

: Happy Caturday! The daffodils are finished, but the azaleas and lilacs are blooming. It smells …

: an excessively long (and excessively typical) interaction Me: Hmm. Maybe I’ll check the headlines real quick, before I brush my teeth. The Guardian: You …

: Raven, wood thrush, daffodil, sunshine. And Chili (who was so restless when we were inside) lounging …

: Finished reading: Masters of the Nefarious by Pierre La Police 📚 If you enjoy absurdism and crude …

: Unforeseen problem with working on wire sculptures and the graphic novel (drawn on an iPad) at the …

: Rainy spring day, after a sunny day full of yard work. Perfect for baking rhubarb upside-down spice …

: The town of Harrogate (where I lived when I was a wee bairn) recently banned apostrophes on road …

: Laura Kampf always makes me feel like going to my studio and making stuff. So glad she finally got …

: Today, like every other day, we wake up empty and frightened. Don’t open the door to the study and …

: Two good reminders: There are countless ways to be an artist We don’t get to control how …

: after reading Ai Weiwei's Zodiac Finished reading: Zodiac by Ai Weiwei 📚 Something I’ve noticed about reading graphic novels is …

: CRPS anniversary Tomorrow it will be a year since I was diagnosed with CRPS (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome). I had …

: Teeny tiny snail on a blade of grass in one of the garden beds

: Morning patrol with Chili. It’s been a long time since we’ve done this together (I wasn’t up to it …

: Dave declared it Pie Week, and he made pumpkin pie and pizza. So I baked my first Green Pie of the …

: Cyrus Kabiru’s work makes me want to make more of my own work, which is my favorite thing to …

: Managed to get into my (gratuitously suspended) Facebook account and delete it. Good riddance! 🥳

: Did my first ever image search today, to discover where this helpful reminder came from: Banksy …

: Tessa Hulls: Walking the Length of Our Rage My Dead Friend’s Favorite Book What We Make When …

: What’s worse than regular estate planning? Art estate planning! What should happen to all this …

: Really enjoying Spencer Hansen’s work (discovered via Colossal) this morning. Makes me want to …

: Someone asked if Chili spends time inside too. In fact, she spends most of her time inside. Here she …

: Chili in the crabapple tree this afternoon 🐈

: quote of the week “You are here to be swallowed up. And when it happens that you are broken, or betrayed, or …

: This is how I usually feel about social media: But I miss having a place to share random little …